Tonights episode wraps up the loose 2 part storyline involving Devon’s life as a spy. After last week’s episode (which of course was spoiled by NBC promotional material), we find Devon captured by a Ring operative, because they think he is the master spy that thwarted their assassination plans. I’ve tried to figure out how they linked Devon to that operation, especially since Devon never actually did anything other than pass along information, but I guess it’s just something you just have to assume.
No, the interesting part of the episode was actually the return to the antics at the Buy More. Morgan, surprisingly, is now the assistant manager again. This time though he is under the command of Big Mike and has actually earned the position on his own. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of growth in Morgan this season. As for the rest of the Buy More crew, they are just as insane as ever. They might be extras, but they all have their own personalities, and I can’t wait for a special episode that showcases them alone. The Fight Club scenes, while silly in their own right, add a good bit of humor that might have been missing from the previous episode.
Brandon Routh joins the cast for a couple of episodes as special agent Daniel Shaw. He comes across as cold and heatless, but also as the anti Chuck. He is what Chuck could be had he actually went though CIA spy training. Angie Harmon is the other guest star as Ring agent Sydney Price, which some could see as an anti-Sarah had Sarah gone..rogue? Yeah, that might have been a stretch. You can’t deny that you were surprised she was able to defeat Sarah in a one on one fight, though.
Overall is was a decent episode with a good balance of humor and action with a touch of drama.
Interesting Observations
- Lester “Jeff is dead wrong about something. Chuck “Well that’s is default setting isn’t it?”
- “One of them looks like a spy, one of them looks like…Chuck” – Casey
- Morgan’s card holder had the “Twilight Zone” logo on it.
- Lester really channels his inner Brad Pitt ala Fight Club, glasses and all.
- Chuck has a pair of original NES joystick controllers, Nintendo 64 controllers and tons of other weird geeky toys I can’t even identify, including what I think are toy Night Vision Goggles.
- Shaw was married at some point.
- Intersect Skills of the Week: Chinese, Karate, Advanced Gun Targeting
- Sarah shot of the week: Sadly there was none, though I do like it when she wears blue.