Episode Reviews

Monday Minutes – September 27

Monday September 27 brings us our usual slate of television. Here are the left overs from the night.

Hawaii Five 0

Ua Lawe Wale (Taken)

Five-0 adds a new team member with Lori Westin (Lauren German), a former Homeland Security agent now assigned as “babysitter” to makes sure McGarrett doesn’t break every law on the books. If anything, he and I would be too distracted to break any laws.

Two and A Half Men

People Who Like Peepholes

In the second part of the new show as it were, we find Alan worming his way back into the house as a favor for helping Walden not kill himself and grow up a little bit. I’d say the highlights were Berta’s sexy and hilarious thoughts.

Two Broke Girls

And the Breakup Scene

Caroline’s in your face headstrong business attitude causes a bit of a conflict with the more timid than she’d like to admit Max. The chemistry between the two characters is still very strong, and the extreme biting sarcasm of Max speaks to my funny genes.

Mike and Molly

Goin’ Fishin’

After last season’s proposal, Mike and Molly return to a dazed Mike who is already feeling the pressure of married life. Man, if he’s this worked up already, I’d hate to see how he handles it when they are actually married.


Heroes and Villains

Castle and Becket chase after a vigilante with a sword who chopped a man in half. Turns out though that everyone in the city reads this unknown comic book and everyone wants to be the same super hero. What happened to being original when you were making up your super hero persona?

By Kien Tran

Based in Dallas, Texas, Kien Tran is an avid television enthusiast. After spending hundreds of hours wasting away on a couch, he decided to actually do something creative with his hobby and created this very blog.

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