In “Chuck vs The Curse,” we delve into a little of the concept that many of us might have believed since the show’s inception, that Chuck himself is cursed to live a life of insanity and danger destined to repeat his father’s history of being on the run. Fortunately for us, this time the Bartowski has a lot more help.
The episode itself does its job to remind us of two things that we’ve lost in this season’s Chuck. First, Ellie and Awesome (Sarah Lancaster and Sarah Lancaster) are really, really hot. Through out the course of the series, Devon himself has probably spent as much time without a shirt as he has with one on, and this is the first time I can remember Ellie being all dressed up in the type of sexy dress that Sarah wears (coincidentally wearing one of her dresses). The whole episode plays out as a fun “what if we were spies” motif that of course puts them in real danger as they have to outwit the cunning Robin Cunnings (Rebecca Romijn, Ugly Betty). (ha)
It’s pretty unsurprising that Ellie is pretty quick to figure out they were really hostages, but it was also cute/funny to see them actually try to help out Chuck and failing miserably.
Meanwhile, we got to see quite a bit of action between Morgan and Alex, whom I have missed since their breakup. Fortunately, it seems Morgan is back to his old silly and charming self, which it starting to wear down the broken and wary heart of Alex. It was pretty much expected that he had some momento of her in his P.A.N.T.S. though. (ha)
With another conspirator eliminated though, we are still no closer to figuring out who the true bad guy is, or what his final end game may be. Next week though, we have a special guest star that you’ll surely want to catch!
Other Observations
- “Rescuing Bartowskis is our business”
- P.A.N.T.S. – Private Artifacts, Never to Share
- There was a pretty big OpenTable scripted promotion in the episode. But considering the demographic, it might not be so annoying. OpenTable allows you to make reservations at a restaurant via your phone wherever you are. The key is it will let you find open seating at any of it’s restaurants for a specific time in the near future, allowing for semi impromptu outings.
- “Not the face”
- Beckman conveniently clears everyone after Robin confesses, but that still doesn’t solve who’s behind everything. Also, with that high of a CIA planting, how do we know it will stick.
- Chuck has the spy craft sarcastic one-liner comebacks during interrogations down pat.
- Seems as wiping out the entirety of the world’s data also allowed them to disable a lock in a security prison.
- NBC is terrible at the fact they gave away the show’s secret villain for next week..well..last week the promos. Come on NBC, who is doing your marketing? I know you are going for viewership, but at this point, what new viewer would know who he is and what long time fan would want to be spoiled like that?
- “Kiss Me” by Joie de Vivre