Episode Reviews

Canning Randy

In Canning Randy, we get a strange episode that doesn’t have quite a lot of plot advancement, but was a very fun collection of callbacks to themes from the whole season. In fact, with the return of Randy, I think the only point of this episode was to provide a launchpad for loading as many callbacks as they could for the long time fans of the show.

"The gang in costume" In “Canning Randy”, we get a strange episode that doesn’t have quite a lot of plot advancement, but was a very fun collection of callbacks to themes from the whole season. In fact, with the return of Randy, I think the only point of this episode was to provide a launchpad for loading as many callbacks as they could for the long time fans of the show.The writers do show us that Ted, while still a bit naive at heart, does grow up a little bit with his stern handling of his students. Of course a person like Ted strives to be liked by everyone, including his students. For the most part, it is a good relationship. He’s gotten nearly unanimously awesome reviews, and all of his students are well engaged with his material. But as finicky as young minds can be, it merely takes a convincing Zoe, the strong willed activist whom hates Ted, to turn his whole class against him. Though the wisdom of Lilly though, who has her own issues with disobedient students, Ted starts to learn that in the end, while he can be his student’s friends, he really needs to be his teacher. I wonder where they are going to take this Zoe storyline this season. Obviously, Bays and Thomas intend to make her Ted’s major seasonal interest, but with her seething hatred, I’m not sure how they intend to accomplish that. Though in the world of HIMYM, that seething hatred will likely be the very spark that they need.

In the story of the episode’s namesake, we find Marshal’s loving nature is interfering with his ability to fire the horrible assistant Randy. It becomes a question of personal code as Marshal once again wrestles with the fact he works for a generally evil corporation. It also becomes a question of dreams though, as we are reminded that despite his success at GNB, this is not where he wants to be. Like Randy’s dream to be a brewmaster, Marshal has a dream as well, to be a lawyer fighting for non-profits and conservatism. It’s a downplayed scene perhaps, but when Randy suggests that Marshal has achieved his goals, you get the sense that Marshal suddenly remembers that this is not his dream job by any means. It might be the seed that Bays and Thomas plants for the season leading to Marshal once again quitting his job.

In the final story of doing what needs to be done, we find that Robin’s fear of Becky’s popularity leads her to return to her show business ways in a new commercial for adult diapers. While short, this hilarious clip is a treat for long time viewers clamoring for more Robin as a star type bits.

While not the strongest of episodes, there’s plenty for long time fans of the show in this episode.

Other Thoughts

  • Professor Brosby!
  • Did it hurt? Getting that kid’s nose surgically removed from your ass?
  • I definitely didn’t see “Boats” the first viewing of that ad.
  • “You’re a journalist, dont’ you wanna be taken seriously?” “No, I’m cute”
  • “I care about making dreams come true. That line makes me sound like a hooker, in fact saying that line makes me feel like a hooker.”
  • “Bill pepper. Any chance did you have a 3 way with fork-napkin?”
  • Lilly putting a dead horse head in Johnny’s sleeper. Classic Godfather. Man Lilly is a psychopath.
  • Mug of froty Warmpuss.


  • Return of the parade of shame, this time the day after a night of Halloween debauchery
    • That bee got busy
    • That french maid didn’t turn down someone’s bed
    • Looks like Pocahontas has a couple of wounded knees.
    • Florence night-in-bed with a stranger
  • Where’s the poop, Robin?
  • Marshal’s dream of not working for GNB
  • New video of Robin acting. “Open your mouth and say….aaaaah.”
  • Randy’s nose bleeding when ever he’s excited about Robin.


  • Barney – Johnny Lawrence, the BAD GUY from Karate Kid
  • Ted – Hot Dog
  • Marshal – Bull
  • Lilly – Matador
  • Robin – Hello Nurse

By Kien Tran

Based in Dallas, Texas, Kien Tran is an avid television enthusiast. After spending hundreds of hours wasting away on a couch, he decided to actually do something creative with his hobby and created this very blog.

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